Thursday, October 25, 2007

Science is overrated....

My friend at school predicted the sex of the baby last week using a pencil, piece of thread and a needle. I know, it doesn't seem scientific or reliable, at least that's what I thought. But she used it on herself and it "predicted" that, in her lifetime, she'd have two boys and a girl (which is what she has). So after these trial runs, I get "tested". The my lifetime, I'm going to have a girl (Victoria), and a BOY:) Can't wait to see if this test was right.

Any predictions you'd like to share?

1 comment:

BestSLP said...

Melody-How exciting!!! I heard from one of the other girls that you were pregnant and then got the cool email with your blog info. Sounds like things have been crazy but VERY exciting :) Can't wait to hear what happens next :) Hope other things (i.e. work) are going well!!