Friday, January 18, 2008

Another one bites the dust...

I wish I were just singing this crowd-pleaser, but it actually happened today.

If you view my picture below, you might notice that I've been wearing glasses lately. It's a long story, but the short explanation is that it's just been easier to wear my glasses lately. The only problem with that is my vision (without correction) is 20/800, so with glasses, I can see clearly in most of my line of site, but have 20/800 vision peripherally. (Don't worry people, Jeff does most of the driving!)

This morning I was moving about my therapy room, trying to grab a box of speech cards to take them to my desk, and I tripped over a box that was sitting on the ground. Luckily, I have cat-like reflexes, and I landed on my knees and hands. I called my doctor, and she wanted me to go to labor and delivery to make sure the baby was okay. She was okay, which made me realize that God really does a great job creating perfect little protective packages for his little miracles.

My knees are so sore, but not bloody, so I consider myself blessed in that regard. I am icing them even as I type, and I plan on "taking it easy", which may change in definition as the weekend goes on.

PS--Belly pics and weight update to follow.

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