Sunday, January 13, 2008

Expectorsize? Expector-NOT

I was so excited last wedensday knowing I'd be starting my first prenatal water aerobics class. My friend told me it would be a fun and relaxing way to keep my activity level up, plus who doesn't love to swim?

Well, you can imagine my saddness when the fitness center informed me that I was the only person to sign up for the class. They did offer another class option, prenatal yoga, so I switched to that class instead.

The class was full of pregnant women, some of which are due in March, and others due as late as June/July. It was really nice to have an instant "bond" with these women, and I felt challenged completing some of the yoga moves. They don't mess around! At one point, I had to balance myself on one foot and close my eyes. Thankfully, I did not tumble.

The funniest comment made by the instructor was, "Tighten your abdominal muscles, as much as you can." Where exactly are my abdominal muscles? I forgot I had those!

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