Saturday, January 5, 2008

Work it OUT!

I have a friend who is days from having her baby. As I watch her work through the process of having contractions and dialating, I can't help but think about my last experience with childbirth.

Victoria was 5 weeks premature, and I did not know I was in labor until it was too late. Due to some "issues" with my doctor's office, I was told to not go to labor and delivery, to walk alot and to take a warm bath and "we will see you on Wednesday!". By the time I followed the advice, I was having contractions that were less than 5 minutes apart, and I was finally convinced by my friends to go to the hospital. They checked me out in triage, and discovered that I was 6 cm dialated. Wow, after all that lovely advice, Victoria was still a healthy baby with little to no complications.

I am glad this time around I have more information and have a doctor who works with well-qualified people. I feel very blessed to have these people on my side:)

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